Sunday Services

West of Severn Benefice has a rich depth of worship styles and you can find details for the coming month here.


6th July       Saturday

1.30pm  Maisemore Church  Wedding: Fergus Cannon & Jesica Hain


7th July      Trinity 6        Readings:  2 Corinthians 12.2 - 10 & Mark 6.1 - 13

8.30am  Hartpury Church  BCP Communion

9.30am  Staunton Church  Morning Prayer

11am  Tirley Church  Communion

11am  Ashleworth Church  BIG Church

6pm  Maisemore Church  Communion 


14th July     Trinity 7        Readings:  Ephesians 1.3 - 14 & Mark 6.14 - 29

9.30am  Corse Church  Communion

11am  Hartpury Church  Morning Prayer

11am  Ashleworth Church  BIG Church

11am  Tirley Church  Communion


18th July     Thursday

2pm  Hartpury Church  Wedding: Jamie Bubb-Sacklyn & Hope Spensley 


20th July     Saturday

12 noon  Hartpury Church  Thanksgiving Service: Andy Mercer & Becky Herbert


21st July        Trinity 8        Readings:  Ephesians 2.11 - end & Mark 6.30 - 34, 53 - end

9.30am  Staunton Church  Communion

11am  Maisemore Church  Communion 

11am  Ashleworth Church  BIG Baptism of Hallie Cook & Communion

6pm  Tirley Church  BCP Evening Prayer


28th July        Trinity 9        Readings:  Ephesians 3.14 - end & John 6.1 - 21

11am  Ashleworth Church  BIG Church


4th August      Trinity 10        Readings:  Ephesians 4.1 - 16 & John 6.24 - 35

9.30am  Staunton Church  Morning Prayer

11am  Tirley Church  Communion


10th August      Saturday

2.30pm  Ashleworth Church  Wedding: Kyle England & Steffanie Evans


11th August        Trinity 11            Readings:  Ephesians 4.25 - 5.2 & John 6.35, 41 - 51

9.30am              Corse Church              Morning Prayer

11am                Hartpury Church          Communion


18th August        Trinity 12                Readings:  Ephesians 5.15 - 20 & John 6.51 - 58

9.30am              Hasfield Church           Morning Prayer

11am                Maisemore Church       Communion


25th August        Trinity 13              Readings:  Ephesians 6.10 - 20 & John 6.56 - 69

9.30am              Corse Church              Communion

11am                Hartpury Church          Morning Prayer

11am                Ashleworth Church       BIG Church

6pm                  Maisemore Church       Communion


1st September    Trinity 14                Readings: James 1.17 - end & Mark 7.1 - 8, 14 - 15, 21 - 23

11am                Maisemore Church       Benefice Service


3rd September    Tuesday

7pm                  Hartpury Church          7 PCCs share Communion and discussion with Bishop Robert


7th September    Saturday

12.30pm            Maisemore Church       Wedding: Elliott Davies & Gemma Gage

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