The West of Severn Benefice is an active and vibrant ecumenical worshipping community of the seven historic Anglican churches and Hartpury Methodists, between the two rivers of the Severn and the Leadon

Holy Communion and Morning Prayer Services

Weekly services from around our Benefice, click here for details

BIG Service
Weekly service for all ages, 11am each Sunday at Ashleworth. Click here for details about the BIG services.

Latest News

Look below in the 'Latest News' box for upcoming special events or new articles, such as the final chapter in the Bells Project.


Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
Ephesians 4:29



Saturday 21st September
12:30pm -
Sunday 22nd September
9:30am -
11:00am -
11:00am -
6:00pm -
Sunday 29th September
9:30am -


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How to find us

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