February 2025

Local Craft Display

The book of Proverbs ends not with a pithy saying, rather with an Ode to a Capable Wife. A wife who is good with people, also with trading; her craft being spinning wool and flax on distaff and spindle. “She makes herself coverings; her clothing is fine linen and purple. Strength and dignity are her clothing and she laughs at the time to come”.

The diverse and marvellous ways we do arts and crafts, in all its human ingenuity, and the display of such arts and crafts is, I think, akin to a human harvest festival. There are out there folk in our communities with a gift. In thinking of how we might celebrate our hobbies and our down-time activities, it seemed a really good idea to have a local crafts and art display, a benefice-wide show. Do you draw or paint or design cards, sow or knit or crochet, shape wood and make furniture, create baskets or doilies, put together delicate flower displays, make craft beer or country wine, or produce a delicious edible speciality??? Then we have a special day for you.

On the afternoon of Saturday May 10th, at Corse and Staunton Village Hall, we are holding an display of locally made arts and crafts. If you have something to display, please contact your churchwarden. The churchwardens are gathering together the names of those displaying arts and crafts, and what art or craft will be put display. Later in the evening, when the displays are ended, we are holding a concert at Corse and Staunton Village Hall given by the Cotswold Male Voice Choir.

          Everything raised by entry to the local art and craft display, and to the evening concert, will go towards the cost of ministry, the Benefice Parish Share.

Sounds good. Perhaps the day will become an Ode to a Capable Benefice…


Festival Service at Hasfield Church

          We are hoping that the work on Hasfield Church tower will be completed in February. With the scaffolding taken down, do come during the day to admire the renewed mortar and stone work on the tower. And of course the lovely display of churchyard snowdrops.

          The first Hasfield Church festival service of the year is with the Evensong Singers. They will help lead a sung Evensong 6pm on Sunday 9th February. Expect a warm church with church music being sung at its very best surrounded by candlelight. Join us at a memorable spiritually reflective service.

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