PCC Meetings

Meeting 8 th September, 2022
At 7.20 p.m.

John opened the meeting with a prayer, remembering the Queen, who died today.
Matters arising:
Claudia to send an email or phone Ruth Nicholls about the Quinquennial report.
Peter has cleaned the cobwebs. Peter looked at all the windows whilst cleaning, and says they are
structurally sound.
Peter has offered to go to the next Deanery Synod meeting, which is on 10 th November at 7p.m.
at Hartpury.
Treasurer’s report:
Jill produced figures for the year so far.
In Jim’s report on the bells, he said we would get Government Aid back on £5,000. Peter has
contacted the Hobson Charity for £500 risk money, £500 for electrical – total £1,500. Peter spoke to
them on the phone and they say the chance of getting money very high.
After Jill put piece in magazine about the cost of looking after the church yard, we have one person
giving £30 a month.
Vicar’s bit and services:
25 th September – Christening of Bertie Duffin
9 th October – 9.30 – Harvest Service with coffee, biscuits and cake.
23 rd October – morning prayer
27 th November - Communion
4 th December – 6p.m. – Carols by Candlelight
11 th December – Communion
24 th December – 3p.m.- Nativity Service
Claudia has asked the hand bell ringers to come on 4 th December.
Sherry, ginger wine and mince pies will be supplied for after the service.
Jill and Peter to organise the Nativity service.
Any other business :
Peter and Claudia to replace a piece of facia board at the back of the church.
Peter informed us that they had a drone used on tower at Ashleworth. Claudia to look into buying a
sprayer with extension pieces to reach the roof of the tower, to kill the weeds.

Peter to find out about Gutterman from Hasfield Church Wardens. Apparently he goes to Hasfield
annually to check gutters and roof – could be interesting.
We can’t afford to have the rest of the yew trees trimmed. Peter and Claudia will have a look.
Peter and Claudia will do gutter clearing, as Claudia noticed the gutter by the porch is blocked with
We may be unable to afford the Finches in the future, to cut the grass.
Peter has suggested a solar powered light on the porch, which would make it much safer when
walking up to the church in the future, as it can be quite slippery.
The next meeting is on 11 th January, 2023 at 7p.m. at Jills.

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